1. Noun, Chemistry brom
  2. (bkz: bromine )
ağabey, kardeş:
brother sözcüğünün kısaltılmışı. Noun
= Great Britain: Büyük Britanya.
= Great Britain.
müzayede ile satmak Verb
remand in custody
a check (cheque) form
blank check (cheque)
to practice practise as an attorney (at the bar ,) Verb
depositing of baggage (luggage)
banker's check (cheque)
bank loans and overdrafts (balance sheet ,)
to present a check (cheque) to the bank Verb
to draw a check (cheque ,) Verb
to lodge a check (cheque) Verb
to date a check (cheque) forward s Verb
lien on a check (cheque)
cashing of a cheque
to return a check (cheque ,) Verb
to cancel a check (cheque) Verb
to trace a check (cheque ,) Verb
to hono u r a check (cheque) Verb
to reject a check (cheque) Verb
to collect a check (cheque) Verb
to encash a check (cheque) Verb
indorsement of a check (cheque) Noun
cancellation a check (cheque)
to certify a check (cheque) Verb
drawing of a check (cheque ,)
to draw a check (cheque ,) upon an account Verb
to obstruct an officer (constable ,) performing his duties Verb
to put a check (cheque) on sth Verb
to complete a questionnaire (questionary ,) Verb
to oblige someone with a check (cheque) Verb
to make out a check (cheque ,) to sb Verb
to cash a check (cheque ,) for sb Verb
(sparking ,) plug
to enclose a check (cheque) Verb
holder of a check (cheque)
check (cheque ,) register
check (cheque) alteration and forgery insurance Noun
to clear a check (cheque) Verb
duty on a check (cheque ,)
making out of a check (cheque)
issue of a check (cheque ,)
to write out a check (cheque ,) Verb
to emit a check (cheque) Verb
to write a check (cheque) Verb
to pay in check (cheque) Verb
to present a check (cheque ,) for payment Verb
endorsee of a check (cheque)
certifying of a check (cheque)
bounce of a check (cheque)
number of a check (cheque)
payee of a check (cheque ,)
payment by check (cheque)
to pay by check (cheque) Verb
to remit by check (cheque ,) Verb
to inspect checks (cheques) Verb
unbacked check (cheque ,)
open a check (cheque ,)
peremptory defense (defence ,)
to tear a check (cheque) out of the book Verb
web or railroads (railway lines ,)
informative labeling (labelling ,)
industrial railroad (railway ,)
overweight baggage (luggage)
company a check (cheque)
filling up (of form ,)
general crossing (check (cheque)
transfer check (cheque ,)
ordinary life insurance (assurance ,) Noun
outstanding check (cheque ,)
to overdraw one's account (the badger ,) Verb
stock-allotment (subscription ,) warrant
civic center (centre ,) Noun
returned check (cheque)
double- stored (- storeyed)
(centre ,)
redundancy a check (cheque)
petty offense (offence ,)
lawful (legal ,) tender
to be lawful (legal) tender Verb
hearing in camera (chambers ,)
dividend check (cheque) Noun
to plow (plough ,) back pimss into resarch Verb
matrimonial domicile (home ,)
to dishonour a check (cheque) Verb
cross acceptance (accomodation ,)
dishonoured check (cheque)
uncovered check (cheque ,)
lost check (cheque ,)
initial l ed a check (cheque)
through car (carriage , coach ,)
protected check (cheque)
metropolitan check (cheque)
disability (disablement)
cubic meter (metre ,)
customer's check (cheque)
to refer a check (cheque) to the drawer Verb
paid check (cheque ,)
whole- life insurance (assurance ,)
flat tire (tyre ,)
postal check (cheque)
encashment of post checks (cheques) Noun
noting slip (ticket ,)
protested check (cheque)
to operate (run ,) a restaurant Verb
forged check (cheque)
false check (cheque)
to forge a check (cheque) Verb
forgery of a check (cheque)
to pass a forged check (cheque) Verb
to appear for the defense (defence , defendant) Verb
inter city a check (cheque ,) clearing service
outward cargo (freight ,)
traveller's check (cheque ,)
c s a check (cheque)
welfare check (cheque ,)
collection a check (cheque)
exchange a check (cheque ,)
clearinghouse check (cheque)
voucher a check (cheque ,)
inchoate check (cheque)
telephone connection (connexion ,)
telegraph post (pole ,)
wage a check (cheque ,)
toll (trunk) call
producer cooperative (society ,)
patent rules , (patent rules of practice ,)
to sell retail (by , at) Verb
to turn king's (queen's) (state's) evidence Verb
(theatre ,) Noun
tax refund check (cheque ,)
rich as a jew (croesus ,)
investment return (revenue ,)
underground railroad (railway ,)
local a check (cheque)
passenger kilometer (kilometre ,)
(carriage ,)
high- caliber (calibre ,)
to put something up (at) (to) auction Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Brom elementinin sembolü
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